Me... Me...Me...

Aromas of pine, peppermint, homemade cakes, scented the room. She grasped her belly from the pressure of the tiny body shifting in her womb. December 24, 19xx, her “angel” was born. She named her Teresa Ann Bethea.(ME,ME,ME) I like to think I was her live baby doll. She has lived in Fairmont North Carolina for majority of her life. Many of you have never heard of this town. Located in the southern part of Robeson County, this small town of Fairmont has a population of approximately 2,800. I travel approximately sixty miles to Fayetteville State University, whenever attending a seated class. I love this school. Started way back 2002, left in 2004, sat out six years (children were becoming teenagers), came back in 2010 and determined to graduate. It’s really difficult being a single parent, working, and going to school. My daughter is now twenty-three and attended North Carolina State. My son is twenty-two attending Robeson Community College. I am currently a Senior majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems. I will graduate in May 2014. I have been at my current job for approximately twelve years. After I obtain this degree I hope to climb up the corporate ladder. My boss plans to retire in less than two years, so “My Eyes Are on the Prize!” In my past-time I love to shop, browse the web, create videos for family members for various occasions and dabble in making wedding invitations and other prints. I have had some wonderful educational experiences here at Fayetteville State University and I know that this class will also be added to the list. I wish everyone the best of luck in their endeavors.


  1. It is an honor to meet you Teresa. It has been a fun semester and like you I have been blessed that it has been only wonderful experiences here at Fayetteville State University. I wish you much luck in all of your endeavors also :-)

  2. The feeling is mutual Wesley... It's a bittersweet feeling... leaving, but the experiences and the knowledge that has been embedded in me will last a lifetime! Much success to you.... "Bronco Pride!"
